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poems of the week

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Martin Luther King Jr. Dedication

Happy Birthday,
Martin Luther King
A distinguished, civil rights activist
Dedicated to his people,
The possessor of a marvelous Dream
A nation of equality
Color not to supercede
A journey for us to embark upon
A journey that we must lead
A hope to be judged by the contents of character
Versus the color of the skin
An excursion we are still on,
A Dream still in the wind
Let's see….
If King were to walk the earth on this day
He would see how he is greatly appreciated for all he had to say and do
Take off the old, put on the new
But if King were to walk the earth at any other point in time
Returning to his grave, to turn over
Disappointed with many unnecessary situations,
Especially Black on Black crime
Steady crooning how 'they' keep us down
Why should they help?
Not helping yourself,
Sniffing your own out, like a bloodhound
Beating too
It is a shame to say Black on Black,
So evident,
So true
It is a shame proof must be given, 
To earn respect
Acting ignorant, 
'you' will continue to stress
Don't get me wrong,
Much Black success
If nothing else, this adds to the distress
A constant stumbling block
A constant naggin pain
To forever be watched over
By the 'other' human being
To change their perception
Let see of what we can and have become to be
A necessity to treat all others and especially your kindred
Contributing to his Dream
Must have faith,
Act accordingly,
And really believe
That We Shall Overcome,
This being everybody's DREAM

Quiata Bass a/k/a © Blk Kween


January 15

Well Martin
it's your birthday

and everybody's been singing
your praises all these years and
it's been a while since you been dead

but i remember
the first time i heard you
talking about that bus strike on
national tv

you were beautiful to see
but it was your words
that captured me

i heard you
but i didn't believe love
could change the world
i felt too much pain

i felt the struggle useless
until you taught me
to sing again

Happy Birthday
Martin Luther King

Frank Jenkins (c)



The Pope is there

he is celebrating the millennium Mass

everywhere people are in prayers

just because the Millennium approaches

Oh, they're tearing the confetti;

they're chilling down the last wine 

in the bar 'Cause it's the end of '99

and the Millennium approaches

those with dollars are making reservations;

I have never seen holiday makers this way;

I doubt if there would be a rush like this one

for another thousand years.

At every Square, in every nation, in global style 

you'll hear footsteps, stampeding and many things never 
seen or ever heard of

just because the Millennium approaches

To Time's honor we'll all raise our glasses high,

when the numbers start their roll on

that odometer in the sky

just because the Millennium approaches

Thank God, turkeys will not be there for the celebration. 

They died on Thanksgiving night.  Maybe, some goose eggs would do

for the Millennium thrill.

But there is one thing never mentioned anywhere. 

Will scientists at Harvard

boldly say it loud like a muezzin's call?

Maybe, they hate to spoil the fun,

just because it is the Millennium 

But, when the third millennium begins

Two-zero-zero-one, will my people

still cling to the desert tree?

When the third millennium begins

Will the problem of the millennium

still be the color line? 

Tell it gently to me that I may know,

say it again and again, my ears are witnesses

for the sake of the Millennium

and when my song ends

let me drift my canoe to rest at where we can 

confess to cruelty, lying, corruption

let the oliveless martinis end in my ancestral lands, 

where fate seals our hearts in an old jar somewhere;

in other words let's build a bridgeport tonight

that I too may dance with the multitude 

on the next eve of the millennium

let's break the fetters, that by noon my feathers may burst into flutist's tunes

of a new song in the millennium. 

All doors are doors just open the door 

and this body marked by scars of long known joys will handle its own dreams

in this Millennium.

Padmore Agbemabiese (c)



Close your eyes, just for a moment
let me guide your mind
to a place
that's filled with peace
let me take you there
behind closed doors
my sweet dear heart
oh, yes, they are familiar
those doors are closed so painfully
they're resting in your heart
let me use my tender
and very special key
I'll open it so gently
to truly let you see
the love you're so deserving of
will come to you from me
Take my hand as I unlock
the wonders of the world
they're there inside
just waiting to be free
Come with me, I'll hold you close
the time for fear has passed
let me show you what I see
as we journey down this path
I see a man so valiant
so strong and oh, so bold
a warrior from deep within
a king to the very core
his strength is as a panther
his voice as a lion’s roar
let's watch him for a moment
he's heading toward a war
there is something wrong
within him
I see it in his eyes
his movement slow
voice growing dim
look, there's something
just ahead of him
there is a figure just ahead
with a dagger in it's hand
it's tearing something
as it walks
making a jagged path
what is that figure up ahead 
it's pain and hurt
the path has been so very long
the jagged ends must meet
my sweet, dear heart
it's time to see
that love can set one free
I see the queen, now standing there
beside her valiant king 
he takes her hand
together they stand
to fight the beast ahead
the hurt and pain of all the past
its time to push them
out at last
This queen so very gentle
kisses his heart so torn
and with each touch
of gentleness
he begins again to trust
and soon the jagged edges
begin to merge as one
my sweet and loving warrior
within me is your queen
to take away those hurtful pasts
to let your heart be free
free of all the pain you've felt
so many years before
let me kiss your heart so gently
heal those tender wounds
smooth out those jagged edges
so we can merge as one
You are a valiant warrior
a strong and mighty king
your strength is as the panther
your voice as the lions roar
your heart needs to be cared for
your trust needs to be safe
your love needs to be nurtured
physical, emotional
mental, and spiritual
there is a realm
that's full 
and yes it is complete
for everything you need and want
is waiting for you here 
and where is that
you may just ask
it's here
inside of me

Tauni Lee (c)


        The Death of Cool

Laying in a pool of obfuscation,
surrounded by fools of justification,
wearing the height of today's fashion,
the king of Cool was dead.

The call, answered by the rapid
consolidators, went out in mid-December
to the entire hood but no one came that day.
The sisters of perpetual chatter,
the brothers of continual flatter
responded in late May.

Obituaries written just the other day,
remarked, "The deceased, clad in a Grey flannel
suit by Hilfinger.  His hair, coiffed, fried
and purple died, with extensions that stood
at least 3feet deep continued to float gently
in the breeze.  His neck, covered with chains
by Gucci. Pinky rings, on either hand, with diamonds
all cut to perfection.  A platinum coded
credit card, strapped to his waist
along side his ruby studded pager and
phone- going off incessantly.  On his feet,
half-laced - why gold air Jordan's of course.

He will be missed by all the merchants and
pimps, half slick wimps and whacked-out wannabe's.
His family, consisting of yesterday's no-bodies,
signifying monkeys, jack legged donkeys,
and tomorrow's any-bodies,
will host the party on the corner of 6th and never. 
Please be punctual, only the fashionably snobbish need come."

It was the third of December,
I remember it well.
The sun was in mid-sky
and the clouds in the air
spoke of snow later on that day.
The strange thing, no one cared,
but the death of Cool
was everywhere.

Rodney Coates (c)


     the rebirth of cool

and Fall yet again had me in its grip
holding tightly, squeezing relentlessly
knowing how i feel about it;
purposefully taunting me
with falling leaves
and cool breezes
and promises of new chrome and rubber
left shattered by the realities of Life

but...what's this? a short reprieve?
a chance to go VROOOOMMMM>>>>> again?
oh my...should i?

you betcha

so i took that chance,
sure that it was just a mirage
sure that i was only dreaming
but if this be a dream
don't wake me

because the falling leaves suddenly dance before me
and the cool breeze tingles on my skin
as i guide the deep-throated bike down the road
and sing songs of merriment hidden for far too long
and even stop for an ice cream cone
with my leathers on, full-force
and my shades, hiding bright eyes
happy to see the sun
and feel its warmth again [if only for a short while];
far better to rejoice in short-lived warmth
than to miss it whilst bemoaning the inevitable cold

and, VROOOOMMMM>>>>> being the best therapy i know,
i sign up for another session

/bams (c)



I have finally come to the
sad realization that no matter
how I pray and wish it!


True, in my eye's you are "drop
dead" gorgeous! and have a
body that even Adonis could fall
in love with!

And your eyes
Your eye's have just a
hint of smoldering FIRE!
that demands a bedroom scene.

Your voice, has the melodic
Quality and intonations that
when you SPEAK!
Even the angel's stop their singing.

And let's not forget those dimples!
that add such a stunning Accompaniment
to a devastating and bewitching smile!

You have a good job and money in
the bank...
You wear the clothes instead of the
clothes wearing you!
And of course you drive only the Fanciest of cars.



The self-hatred, loathing, and low
self-esteem that YOU seem to have
for yourself.


That you think your mother is a Whore!
or how you hate! Your father for not
being there for you.


The paranoia! excessive! irrational!
suspiciousness, and mistrustfulness of
women in general.
BECAUSE of a BAD experience with other
women that may have been DAMAGED!


How you must control everything and
everyone that enters your LIFE, because
you feel your life is out of control.


that beneath that seemly cool, confident
exterior you have an uncontrollable
because you consider yourself a failure, worthless
and inferior to everyone else and you feel pressured
to prove otherwise.


That when you were young your speech
was not perfect, or your body not tight!
and in your families eyes you could do
nothing right!


The way you feel and think about women
because of your mother, or some other
unhealthy relationships you have been in.
SO you surmise that you must USE and
HURT! them before they can HURT! you!


That you felt all your life that you were NEVER
loved, and left all alone to fend for yourself.
So, that now you CAN'T even recognize when you

You complain how NO ONE really cares or
understands you BUT, are you so sure that
Who do not truly understand yourself!?

FOR   I   CAN'T   FIX   YOU!.....

Navita Gunter (c)

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